Below you will find internet links and phone numbers to resources available.
Click the brochure to the right to download a printable version of available resources.
If you are in need of emergency assistance please call 911.
- Advocacy
Advocacy is the act of interceding on behalf of an individual. In this situation, we are advocating for our mentally ill relative, always keeping in mind their goals and wishes when we are requesting appropriate treatment and care for them in the mental health treatment system.
- Benefits
Benefits Central assists people with disabilities who want to know about working while receiving benefits. Demystify Social Security's rules about working. POC Caryl 360-917-4893
Bremerton Salvation Army
Bridges Mental Health Ombuds Service
(Serving Clallam, Jefferson, and Kitsap Counties)The Ombudsman is available to assist mental health clients, their families, and others with concerns or complaints on behalf of any individual who is entitled to, or receives, mental health services from agencies that are funded by the state of Washington. 360-692-1582 or toll free 1 –888-377-8174
Crisis Clinic of the Peninsulas'
The Crisis Clinic of the Peninsulas’ provides over-the-phone crisis intervention, information referral, and a supportive listening ear to people in our community who are experiencing situational distress.
24-Hour Telephone Crisis Services
(360) 479-3033
1-800-843-4793 -
Youth Suicide Prevention Program
Our mission is to reduce youth suicide attempts and deaths in Washington State.